Sidama Bura Karamo Natural Ethiopia
Karamo Bura sidama ethipia light roast Natural Process 74158
lavender, blueberry, white grape, passion fruit
Recent Brews
- V60 1:17bright, soft, floral. lavender and passion fruit when cooling.
- V60 1:17very candy aroma. a little harsh and astringent. muted, almost metallic aftertaste? a little floral, very grape. sour as cool. pleasant and smooth acidity cold
- V60 1:17very muddy on the sides! scatter grounds a touch higher? 1cm from top lip. more white grape than before? brighter acidity on finish when cool.
- V60 1:17very strong lavender floral flavor (vegetal with sweet finish), mellow sweetness, more grapelike aroma. touch of acidity and astringency
- V60 1:17big rich berry and floral sweetness. floral aroma. lighter acidity when cooling, more candy like. tea when cold, funkiness in finish
- V60 1:17.31sweet rich aroma, a touch astringent. good sweetness when cooler, kind of muted?
- V60 1:17really smooth and pleasant cool, a little watery and under flavored though? (less stirring than usual)
- V60 1:18nice aroma but a little woody and harsh finish
- V60 1:17.23rich and sweet, really floral hot, very slightly astringent aftertaste?
- Daiso Melitta 1:17sweet floral aroma, really juicy sweetness hot. nice mellow berry
- Daiso Melitta 1:17very clean, slightly muted? neutral sweetness, pretty low acidity. smooth body. sweet and floral aroma. very light tea-like acidity on finish
- V60 1:17light and bright, floral, bit of candy sweetness and funk on finish. it really is the muji filters!
- V60 1:17.77really fast brew, fast filters vs shaking dose vs no preheat? rich but floral aroma very light and clean sweetness, floral aftertaste juicier as cooling, very smooth and no bitterness, low acidity too. super round and full body lingering floral aftertaste maybe UNDER extracted? slightly muted black tea astringency cold
- V60 1:17bright and smooth, rich aroma, more berry and lightness cool
- V60 1:17smells pretty sweet and rich, still slightly harsh upfront? savory / salty? juicy acidity as it cools, very slightly astrigent, try finer grind with 2 pours?
- Mugen 1:17.54muted and kind of flat and watery, probably needs finer grind?
- V60 1:17jammy, almost bready or milky sweet aroma. still a bit harsh tasting, not even extraction? slow filter OR fines grinder - cannot go past 2 pours?
- V60 1:17.38Sweet floral aroma, still a bit bitter and astringent! pretty juicy and floral. very astringent when cool
- V60 1:17initial floral and berry upfront, strong sweetness, underlying bitterness, almost vegetal acidity when hot, astringent when cool
- Daiso Melitta 1:17still fresh and minty aroma, slightly flat and muted, light blueberry when cool - try filters with v60?
- Daiso Melitta 1:17fresh almost minty aroma. definitely stalled. very floral and light. mellow and delicate acidity
- V60 1:17really smooth and rich body, strong lavendar and berry aroma. bright floral acidity as it cools
- V60 1:17(roaster recommended extraction under 3m) caramel aroma, rich, floral, bright acidity even when hot. bright, floral on finish, no astringency! very mellow berry when cooled. brighter tea and floral acidity cooler. lot of blueberry juiciness at room temp
- Melitta 1:18rounded caramel sweet aroma, so clean and light when hot, too much bypass? berry sweetness when cool, floral, silky body, tangy acidity finish, slightly astringent
- Mugen 1:18floral and sweet smell, a little astringent hot? very juicy and sweet
- Mugen 1:19candy sweet aroma, nice and juicy with acidity
- Mugen 1:18floral, light aroma, some astringent roughness, slightly unpleasant sourness? (rough)
- Mugen 1:19.23sweet smell with a touch of funk, almost honey, surprisingly round body, smooth mellow, touch of acidity through berry sweetness. touch astringent finish, very floral and blueberry when cool
- Mugen 1:16floral but rich, savory
- Mugen 1:17savory smell, light floral. super light taste sharp berry acidity, a bit too much?
- Mugen 1:16extremely round and floral aroma. chocolatey and nutty when hot, really rich juicy acidity cooler, long tropical sour aftertaste, very light sweetness coarser and longer ratio? push extraction a touch more?