Honduras light-medium Honey
Recent Brews
  1. V60 1:15
    drawn out mellow acidity, round and rich sweetness. grind looked like 1100 - 1400 almost (top of bed after brew)
  2. V60 1:15
    very sweet and rounded, draw out mellow acidity, slightly dry finish, not astringent
  3. V60 1:15
    used a full stir this time, very sharp and strong acidity, some astringency on finish?
  4. V60 1:15
    very sparkly lime finish, kind of rough texture. much lighter than omni
  5. XBloom Studio 1:15
    rich, full, lots of grape sweetness
  6. XBloom Studio 1:15
    slightly sour mouth feel? need more extraction? even extraction?
  7. XBloom Studio 1:15
    less limey, very rounded, slightly astringent?
  8. V60 1:15
    incredibly sweet aroma, strong grape into lime acidity, slightly astringent? more floral after cooling, very limey
  9. V60 1:15
    a little harsh and flat for some reason? any time i find a good recipe, i need to double back and try again right away. even faster and more aggressive pour?
  10. V60 1:15
    a touch harsh, bloomed at boiling but probably stick to 92, second pour faster, grind 64
  11. V60 1:15.25
    harsh bitterness on finish, sharp watery astringency in the middle? go to 68 grind?
  12. V60 1:15.25
    savory aroma definitely rough on finish, great sweetness as cooling
  13. V60 1:15
    better than last, more flavor, but a little muted/harsh, better when cooled, maybe 94c and need to grind coarser?
  14. V60 1:15
    more limey, more drawn out sweetness probably need much more gentle pouring? slightly muddy finish. full minute slower pour
  15. V60 1:15
    super juicy, light lime, tannic sweetness
  16. V60 1:16
    still a little tannic finish, try 15 ratio? grind 56. aim for 2:20 out. more floral on finish
  17. Aeropress 1:16
    very limey, tannic, some sweetness, very slight astringency (stick to stricter ratio) maybe a touch coarser?
  18. V60 1:17.15
    jammy almost cherry sweet aroma temp probably a bit high, slightly hollow but astringent on finish. stick to 16 ratio at most, maybe 15.